关于爱情的英文短句(英文图片文字唯美句子 关于爱情)


Love is the most sublimate affection of mankind. It is the harmony between two congenial young people, the symphony of two chaste souls. Love means sacrifice, devotion and loyalty to the beloved. It despises lucre, birth, appearance and social status.


关于爱情的英文短句(英文图片文字唯美句子 关于爱情)

chaste adj.纯洁的;贞洁的。congenial adj.意气相投的;性格相似的。despise v.鄙视,厌恶。lucre n.收益;钱财。

Love is the lyric music piece played on a violin in a moonlit spring evening, the clear stream meandering skittishly in the mountain, the red rose, the lily in full blossom and a piece of light-hearted waltz.


lyric adj.抒情的。meander v.(河流、道路等)蜿蜒,曲折前行。lily n.百合花。

关于爱情的英文短句(英文图片文字唯美句子 关于爱情)

It is the knock on the gate of the heart, the marvelous wine that makes people more efficient, more creative and more imaginative, the naughty little angel that makes introvert people extrovert and extrovert people introvert.


naughty adj.顽皮的,淘气的。introvert adj.内向的。extrovert adj.外向的,活泼友好的。

关于爱情的英文短句(英文图片文字唯美句子 关于爱情)

Sometimes, love is jealousy, misunderstanding, frustration, even tears. It is a canoe in the stormy ocean, liable to be capsized at any time, the lonely tramps in the boundless desert, the lamb which has gone astray.


canoe /kəˈnuː/ n.独木舟,小划子。tramp v.拖着沉重的脚步走,踩,踏;长途跋涉。astray adv.迷失,迷路;步入歧途,堕落。

关于爱情的英文短句(英文图片文字唯美句子 关于爱情)

Love is bitter and sweet. Love is passionate and serene. Love is ecstasy and agony. Love is eternity.


passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ adj.热诚的,狂热的。serene /səˈriːn/ adj.平静的,安详。 ecstasy /ˈekstəsi/n.狂喜。eternity /ɪˈtɜːnəti/ n.永恒,永久。

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